Monday, March 7, 2011

Fact Checking

1.      "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" -Maurice Strong

Maurice Strong is a Canadian entrepenuer and a former under-secretary general of the United Nations. Strong had his start as a petroleum entrepreneur and became president of Power Cooperation until 1966. He headed Ontario Hydro, one of North Americas largest power utilities, was national President and Chairman of the Extension Committee of the World Alliance of YMCA's, and headed American Water Development Incooperated. Basically he was a very important and influentuial person. In the movie they quoted him adn that is the quote I researched above.  I looked up the speech they referenced and even looked in the opening statement and could not find the quote the video displayed. I sourced a site below to prove I could not find that quote in the opening statement of his speech at the Rio Earth Summit.
- Look at time 4:31 to see the quote used in the documentary

2.     Jonathon Poritt thinks the UK population should be cut in half because of carbon pollution.

Jonathon Poritt is indeed a real person who beliefs fit those brought up in "The Fall of the Republic" perfectly. I even found the site that has the same article used in the movie as one of it's references.
A little bit about Jonathon Poritt: Jonathon was born in England and his father is Lord Poritt, the 11th Governor-General of New Zealand (who was also awarded a baronetcy).
In the 1970s and early 1980s, Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party, which later became England's green party. He was known politically for his fight for a green living. In an article written several once before the one listed in teh movie, Porritt stated that population growth is a serious threat to the global environment and that contraception, abortion and family planning is a part of the answer to global warming.



3.       "Firefighters don't need a warrant to enter a home."

When I heard this in "The Fall of the Republic I found it shocking and suprising. Even if there is no fire, a firefighter does not need a warrant to enter a home, and this is suppossed to help fight terroism. The article I found written by Associated Press on said also that medical personel don't need a warrant either. That is some pretty interesting stuff in my opinion.