Sunday, April 10, 2011

50 Media Wiki-Abstracts...

50 Media Wiki-Abstracts:

The first Map

        The first map was the Bablylonian map from 6th century BCE and was called the Imago Mundi map. It was carved on stone, and can tell us alot about how early humans saw tyhe world.
This map is so important to media because it allowed the beginning of maps to come, which are objects that many cultures can communicate with. 


File:Egypt.Papyrus.01.jpg        Papyrus was the first paper that is recorded to have been used. It was made as far back as 3rd century BCE in Egypt. It was a very nice way to record and write down information. it was very popular until people began to use parchment, and then the use of papyrus become obsolete. This was important to media because it allowed people to communicate using written language and symbols in a tangible form. 

The first American Newspaper

           The first American Newspaper was made in Boston in 1690 and was titled Publick Occurences. However after only one printing, the paper was shut down for inappropriate talk that went against England. This first American Newspaper is important to media because it opened the doorway to all the amazing newspaper we have today. Newspapers in the U.S. allow us to communicate news to one another. 

The first known Picture Postcard

File:Conlie postcard.jpg            A postcard is a small rectangular piece of paper with no envelope and a picture on on side. All it requires is an address and a stamp. The first known picture postcard was a hand-painted design, posted in London to the writer Theodore Hook in 1840 bearing a penny black stamp. It is not known if the first postcard was a joke or not, but it is clear it offered us a new way to communicate through the mail and postal service.

The Wright Brothers

         The Wright Brother created the first flyings airplane on December 17th, 1903. They did alot of work and made many advances to help people in the field of aviation. Airplanes are so important to media because they allowed people to travel quickly from one place to another, allowing news and important objects to travel just as fast.
            Airplanes also allowed people to see eachother in a quick manner, changing how people communicated with one another. The Wright Brothers were definately that beginning. 

The first Running Shoe

          Keds were the first running shoe sold in America. They were based off of a slightly different version called a Plimsoll. These shoes were lightweight and comfortable, made with rubber bottoms. Keds and running shoes became known as "sneakers" because they allowed fast and easy movement, and were very very quiet.
         Running shoes are important to media because they allow us as people to exercise and live healthier longer lives allowing so much more communication and media to occur.

Sign Language

        In the sixteenth century Geronimo Cardano, a physician of Padua, in northern Italy, proclaimed that deaf people could be taught to understand written combinations of symbols. This developed into a language of gestures and facial expression, and allowed people who were deaf to communicate with one another and even hearing people who learned the language.     
        Sign Language allowed deaf people to integrate better and become a part of the world that they belonged to. Sign language has allowed media to adapt to them, and them to media. 

Oldest Written Book

File:Sumerian account of silver for the govenor.JPG          The oldest known book was called Instructions of Shuruppak and was written on rock in 3000 BCE. It was considered a book though, because it was passed around for many to read. This book was the start of people recording stories. Books are a huge part of media and the world, and allow our minds to be filled with all kinds of amazing stories and or information. 


         The word sidewalk is used for the pedestrian path beside a road. It's history began in the 17th and 18th centuries in Britain when the roads were so bad and it was thought people needed safe places to walk to decrease the amount of deathes so "Paving Acts" were passed.
         Sidewalks are important to media because they allowed neighbors and people of a city to safely walk to one another, and allowed them to better travel around on foot. Many important people could have died were it not for the safe walking with the use of sidewalks.

The Gezer Calender

            This was a palet of soft limestone written in Hebrew. The calender describes monthly or bi-monthly periods of their harvest, and was found 30 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Anthropologists think this was either from farmers recording information about his crops for taxes, or even possibly a folk song.
       This is important to media history because it shows that writing and communication was used for things other than story telling, and history. This document I do not think was even intended to last this long, it had a short term use, which for back then seems like a pretty big leap in media use.

Homing Pigeons

             As early as 776 BCE. homing pigeons have been used to communicate with people from far distances as a relatively fast adn easy way to send on information. One of its first uses was in 776 BCE, when these birds were sent away to tell people the results of teh Olympics in Athens, Greece. 
           Also, they have been used in times of war, including as recently as World War II. These birds allowed people to communicate without having to risk their lives or time in traveling, and were able to bring messages in dangerous times like war. It was one of the first ways to network with people far away.

The first Smartphone

               First, we should understand what a smartphone is. A smartphone is a mobile phone/cell phone that offers higher level of computing and offers more features and abilities than a regular phone. The first smartphone was the IBM Simon, and it was made in 1992. It had the following abilities: a calendar, address book, world clock, note pad, e-mail, it could send and receive fax, and it had games. In 1992 this technology was a big deal, and opened the doors to the smartphones we have today. Smartphones assist media because they allow us to connect with eachother in newer faster types of social network settings.

The Typewriter

           The typewriter had many different prototypes and inventors, but the first recorded inventor to patent something called a "typowriter" was William Austin Burt in 1829. A typewriter is a machine with keys that, when pressed, cause characters/symbols to be printed typically on paper.
File:1864 Schreibmaschine Peter Mitterhofer.jpg            You press one button at a time and it stamps the letter onto the paper. Typewriters were so important to the evolution of media because they allowed people to print their thoughts and ideas on paper in a professional and unique way. This allowed people to create inked papers from the comfort of     their own home.


           Paintings are and were important to media because they allow people to express themselves through a completely unique medium. Whether they were paintings on cave walls or on canvas in early Europe, they communicated ideas and experiences to a varitey of cultures and time periods without the use of written word.
         It is a more abstract form of media, but I believe early paintings influenced billboards, posters, and ads that we have and see today.


             Trains have helped us to travel efficiently from one place to another in a time when everything was by horse or by foot. There were several early types of train, but the first train to be ran by a steam engine and lacking in horses pulling it was invented in 1804 by Richard Trevithick. They have evolved over time to need less fuel and have become able to move at faster and faster speeds. Trains are important to media because being able to travel to different parts of the country allowed news, and objects to travel and arrive extremely faster than they would have. it sped up communication and therefore, the spread of media.

 Markers (writing utensils)

            When someone says markers a variety of things can come to mind. The first marker was a felt tip marker created in the 1940's and was mainly used by artists and for labeling uses. In 1952 a man named Sidney Rosenthal created what he called "Magic Markers" which consisted of a glass bottle that held ink and a wool felt wick.
            As time went on these markers became less messy and more colorful until we arrived at the Magic Markers of today. Markers are important to media because they allowed people to advertise and create and spread ideas in a fun looking new type of form. As time went on and they became colored markers, people could express ideas and make posters to advertise that would catch the human eye easily.

 The Jingle

          A jingle is  is a short tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses to sell a product. They often had catchy lyrics or slogans to help the product stick in your mind. They are and were a way to brand something using sound. These are so important to media because after the invention of the radio, jingles allowed company's to sell things without even having to show the product. It was a clever and exciting new way to advertise, and advertising is a major part of media.


           A payphone is a public telephone usually located in a booth or slightly private space, where you insert money (typically coins) to be able to make a phone call. They started by usually being found in public places like train-stations or in the busier parts of towns. Payphones were such an important part of media because even if you were not weathy enough to own a phone or didn't have the means, you could communicate with people far away.
          Even now, payphones can be useful to those who do not have cell phones or perhaps have forgotten theirs. They allow people to communicate in one of the best ways possible, voice to voice.

 Fountain Pen

            Lewis Waterman patented the first practical fountain pen in 1884. The idea of a writing utensil that held its own supply of ink inside it was an exciting and practical idea. It allowed people to write faster and neater. it was based of the design of a quill pen, but by making an ink well in an unnatural object (unlike the feather in quill pens) people were able to open the doors to new ways of writing and recording information.
           The fountain pen is important to media because it allowed people a more efficient way to document ideas and notions, which in turn helped to advance the types of media we have today. Writing in a faster way helped people to get more ideas down on paper.

 Mickey Mouse Cartoon

                Mickey Mouse, who is now the icon for Disney, was first created in 1928 and was named Steamboat Willie. Not only was Mickey Mouse one of Disney's first cartoons, but he is a symbol that is recognized all over the world. Over the years, Mickey became more popular and his image evolved as did his cartoons with the evolution of television and movies.
             Mickey Mouse cartoons are and were so important to media because they allowed children to be a part of a new era. When TV's were new, Mickey allowed children something to watch, which in turn got them interested in technology and media at an early age. Thanks to cartoons like Mickey, children were able to make the connection that television equaled entertainment.

Cosmopolitan Magazine

           Cosmopolitan Magazine, more familiarly known as Cosmo, was first started in 1886 and started out as a family magazine. In the 1940's it was a fiction based magazine filled with several short and long stories and a couple articles. During World War II about 2 million copies of The Cosmopolitan were sold. It didn't become a fully women's magazine until the 1960's where almost all the articles were solely focused on women. The articles included beauty, health, and other informative things. In recent years (the past 10-20) Cosmo has gained a very strong sexual tone, and also now has articles about safety such as ways to safely date.
           Cosmopolitan is so important to media because it is truly a magazine that has pushed boundries. it has brought a whole new angle to women's media, and allows sex and health related topics to be discussed out in the open. It has allowed women to ask many questions and have them answered, and I believe has helped give women a better sense of confidence. With that confidence we can further integrate ourselves into the world of media.

 Charlie Sheen

         Carlos Irwin Estévez (born September 3, 1965), or as he is more commonly known as Charlie Sheen, is a very interesting individual. He is a movie and television star who has done a varity of work including the first hit movie he was in, in 1986 known as Platoon.  In 2010, Sheen was the highest paid actor on television, getting $1.8 million per episode of Two and a Half Men. In the most recent months in the Spring of 2011, he has been caught doing drugs and saying outreageous and nonsensical things like, “CBS picked a fight with a warlock.”
            The reason Mr. Sheen gets to be a wiki is because he is a person who has used media to become even more famous, even if it is fame associated with crazyness and lude comments and actions. He is a type of media, the kind of media that does not care if it is fact, but merely runs off of madness and gossip. He truly has started an interesting chapter in our world of American Media.

 Riding Horseback

         In the past, long before cars and trains, horses were used to travel from town to town. Riding on horseback was a efficient way to travel, as long as the distance wasn't too far, and even then it was faster than on foot.
         By riding horseback, not only could people travel, but they could deliver mail and letters. Horses allowed people to communicate much faster than it would take on foot, and yet the letters or whatever message it was could still be delivered by a person. 


         It is not known for sure when alcohol was first used as a drink and not just for medical purposes, but there is evidence that as early as 10,000 BCE fermented beverages were drunk by those earlier humans. Specifically wine was first sucessfully crafted in about 4,000 BCE by the Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians made at least 17 varieties of beer and at least 24 varieties of wine, most made in the home and most were also offered to a variety of gods and offerings. In these earlier times, alcohol was often used in religious ceremonies or in celebrations.
        Nowadays, alcohol is still used in religious ceremonies adn celebrations but is also used on a daily basis by people all over the world. Drinking alcohol now is a social thing to do, and few people make there own and instead buy their alcohol in a store. We are exposed to media everday that involves alcohol whether it be an advertisement or on a show. Alcohol definately is a big part of media today.


       The IPod is a portable music player that was first launched in Oct. 2001 by the company Apple. It started with a model called the IPod classic, and several new types have been added to the IPod family since. These new additions include the IPod touch, IPod nano, the IPod mini, and the IPod shuffle. A software called iTunes is used to download music onto the various IPods, allowing you to travel about whether your in your car or working out, and listen to music you picked and bought yourself.
       IPods are a huge part of media because they allow a technologic way to express ourselves. Music has also been a big part of culture and life, and being able to bring your music with you all over is a huge advancement. It's true walkmen were created first but having all your music in one little "box" allows way more accessability, where with a walkman you would have to carry around all the CD's you wanted. It really is an amazing media invention.

Lady GaGa

       Lady GaGa started out as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, a girl born and raised in New York City. She started playing piano at age 4, and wrote her first song at age 13. At age 17 she began attending New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. At age 19 she got her first contract which fell through after 3 months, then she began bourlesque dancing and started a band. The Fame Monster was her first huge hit CD and was released in 2007, and since then she has been wildly famous with her outrageous songs and ourfits.
       Lady GaGa is a huge part of media because she is one of the driving forces for media and music. Pop music got a whole new image and angle when Lady GaGa became who she is. She feeds off of media and it feeds off of her, and she is an excellent example of a person who is media. Her image and songs were created specifically for media and to be spread like wildfire.

Noxema TV Commercial

         The Noxema shaving creme commercial is one of many television commercials that could have been chosen to represent how commercials can help a product to thrive over 50 years. The noxema commercial was one a very popular color TV commercial in the 1960's.
           This commercial paved the way to seductive advertising, and proving the point that sex can sell many things including a man's shaving creme. Because of this commercial, the company Noxema was able to thrive, pay for more advertising, and create new products we have today like their facial cleansing pads. Vintage commercials like the Noxema commercial paved the way for many products and the media that represents them.
You can watch the commercial here: 


         Paperboys typically were young pre-teen or teenager boys who were hired to deliver newspapers, and help do small errands around the newspaper offices. In the early 1900's paperboys could be a lot younger than they are now, because child labor laws require nowadays paperboys to be at least 13 years old. Paperboys, though they are not as common anymore, served an important job, allowing young men to earn money in an environment that wasn't too dangerous.
              Besides the United States countries such as the United Kingdom, Austrailia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland have been known to have used and to use paperboys. The job of a paperboy allowed young men to spread media on a local level while beginning their careers as contributing members of society. By getting the newspapers to people quickly on a bike, delivery costs were not as high, which helped customers and the Newspaper.


        Coffee is a brewed beverage usually served hot, made from roasted coffee beans. The earliest evidence of people drinking coffee  appears in the middle of the 15th century in southern Arabia. Coffee is an energizing drink, that is found all over the world and comes in many varieties.
         Coffee not only is a huge export and inport for many countries (allowing many jobs), it is also a delicious beverage that brings people together. Media comes in all different forms and coffee is no exception. Because of coffee there are coffee shops where people meet on a regular basis just to comunicate and relax. Coffee brings people together, and therefore brings media to life.


       First of all it is important to know what DVD stands for. DVD means: Digital Video Disk, and was the next step of at home video but this is not on a cassete tape. The DVD Video format was first introduced by the company Toshiba in Japan. A year later in 1997, something called the DVD forum was created that allowed a variety of companies to make thier own DVD's.       
         DVD's are so important to media because they were our next big step after video tapes. They are more compact, are less fragile, and are easier to store because of their smaller size. DVD's have allowed us as consumers a new and exciting way to watch our movies in the comfort of our home. DVD's and their technology have opened the doorway to Blue-ray discs and HD movies, which can only further develope.

       A dictionary is a collection of words that describes what a specific word means. We as humans have been using dictionaries for quite a few years. The earliest dictionary was discovered in 2300 BCE in Ebla which is modern day Syria. The earliest modern European dictionaries were bilingual and were primarily started in France and Italy, in 1592.
       Dictionatries are a huge part of media and communication because they allow us as people to know the meanings of words so we can better communicate with one another. Dictionaries allow us to be more elloquent and understand better how to communicate I thoughts. Not only do we still have and use paper dictionaries, but we also have search engines on the internet that allow us to not only find out the meaning of a word, but also any other history or phrases involving that term. Dictionaries whether they are online or not have helped media and communication progress.
       Text messaging is is the sending of short messages from one mobile phone to another. The beginning growth of texting started out slow, and in 1995 the average customer only sending about 0.4 text messages a month. In 2007 that number skyrocketed to the point where 74% of mobile phone users texted on a regular basis. Now in 2011, the number of people with a mobile phone who text is just about everybody.
       Texting is a whole new way to communicate and is very efficient. It allows people to communicate in situations where calling someone is not possible or is not the best option like if you were in a library. Texting has also created a new language of shortened words and phrases allowing people to speak quickly and to the point. Texting has changed ways media and communication are spread.
Silly Bandz
       Silly Bandz are silicone colored elastics similar to rubber bands, and come in a variety of shapes and colors. The were created by a man named Robert Croak who was on a bussiness trip to Japan in 2002. He noticed in Japan, they now made their rubber bands out of plain circles od silicone because it was a more environmental approach vs rubber, and were sometimes made in different colors. He got the idea that why not try to make a accessory or toy made of colored silicone.
        So in 2009, Silly Bandz were sold in their first store in Alabama, and their popularity spread like wild fire. As of August 2010, they are now sold in 8000 stores in the United States, and were a top seller on Silly Bandz which were originally for children also became popular with pre-teens, teens, and even young adults as fun and creative accessories for boys and girls alike. Silly Bandz  used media to spread and become known and popular, and by being part of media Silly Bandz in turn influence media.
 Cash American Money

           Money is what makes our world go round. Money allows us to not only buy things, but also to buy ideas and things to make new technology. Without money, there would be very little media, because we need money to buy, create and spread things. Cash specifically allows us to spend money in an easy way, by not having to carry around gold or mass amounts of coins. Cash is becoming less and less in use with credit and debit cards becoming so popular. Cash is an enabler for the growth of media.

Electric Calculator

           An electric calculator is a handheld device used for arithmetic. In 1957 IBM made the first electric commercial calculator, that was built onto people's desks. In 1970 the first pocket calculator was made, and far surpassed the previous desktop calculators in practicality and size. Calculators are important to media because they allow us to use numbers to communicate. We need calculators to help us make accurate decisions involving numbers. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Future of Media Paper

Samantha Ekeroth
“The Future of Media” Paper
Media Literacy Class

            It’s the year 2011, and we have some absolutely amazing technology at our fingertips. When our parents were our age a computer screen took up an entire wall, while now you can carry one around with you. We have cable TV, satellite radio, cell phones, and so much more that makes communicating faster and more interesting. We have created more for media in the past one hundred years then in the hundreds before, and things are still be developed on a faster and more expedited level every day. The main subject that seem the most interesting in how they will further develop are computers. Computers are ever growing and changing and can do so much to help us in our daily lives, I needed to find more information about their future. A lot of information about the future is speculative, but there are some pretty amazing advances, and it’s all interesting and exciting!

            The first idea that seemed really fascinating was the idea of cheaper smaller computers. Many speculate that computers will continue to grow thinner, smaller, and faster. By making all those adjustments, it is very likely that prices will reduce somewhat as well! According to, by making “computer transistors” and computer chips smaller the cost will decrease because there will be lets components of the computer to make, so less money in the making of parts will go into it. Of course creating the technology is very expensive, but once it is developed, more people may actually be able to afford computers. According to there is actually a man (MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte) who is almost finished creating the, “$75 laptop,” which he said will allow children in developing countries to gain access to more advanced forms of education Along with being very reasonably priced, it also is very thin, is easy to handle because it does not weigh much, and is a touch screen which could provide for more interactive learning.
The only problem with this idea is that Negroponte has promised innovative cheap computers before now and hasn’t delivered. Whether or not it will be a successful endeavor, the idea of a $75 dollar laptop that is available to anyone is very exciting and alluring.
             A second interesting idea that is going to continue to develop in the world of computers, is artificial intelligence. We already have this is simple forms such as when you call a business and you are received by a “robot voice” that is able to recognize human voices and certain words to help connect you to what you need. According to in the near future many if not all routine calls to business’s will be run and controlled by computers with artificial intelligence. It’s amazing that things we know from Sci-Fi movies are going to be a part of our lives in the near future. For example, Gordon Moore (Co-founder of the chip created for Intel) predicted in 1965 that computer and computer technology (then referred to as industrial change) would continue to develop and grow at an increasing rate.According to the, there is a man by the name of Dr. Kurzweil who has in fact started a university called, “Singularity University,” where scientists will work on developing artificial intelligence, and even attempting ways to download human thoughts and processes into a machine. Essentially he wants to make human minds immortal. He wants to make it so that even if your body dies, you’re thoughts can essentially live on like a forever record of you. This computerized mind would not be “alive” but would be able to communicate everything that person had learned and knew. Whether or not Dr. Kurzweil and his associates will be successful is yet to be seen, but he is confident he will achieve such technology in his lifetime, which is simply mind boggling.    
             Another fantastic idea I ran across that needs to be mentioned, involves a more earth friendly computer usage. In this day in age, many people are focusing on going green and green technology.
Well, the computer company Dell has definitely done that, at least on a prototype basis. One of Dell’s designers Luis Luna, has come up with a design called, “O Project PC,” where a plant is attached to a computer, and it is attached in a way that the plant absorbs the majority of the CO2 surrounding the computer, apparently extending the computer’s life. When the PC’s life has ended, the cornstarch & bamboo polymer-based case that holds the special plant can either be recycled or used as a regular plant pot for decoration. The idea that we can combine plants and technology is such an exciting idea because we are allowing ourselves to extend the life of our technology without using other possibly harmful synthetic materials. Hopefully other companies will follow Dell in trying to unite nature and technology.
                    The final idea I’ve chosen to research in relation to the future of computers is Google and the new extremely fast broadband they are developing, and what it would mean for us and other internet providers. I read on the New York Times website that, “Google said it planned to build and test a high-speed fiber optic broadband network capable of allowing people to surf the Web at a gigabit a second, or about 100 times the speed of many broadband connections,”. They have this type of technology already made and have been testing it in communities who have volunteered to do a trial, and it has been extremely successful. The problem Google is having has nothing to do with its advanced technologic ideas, but with the problems that would arise if Google succeeded in this endeavor. They would basically become a monopoly, which causes questions to arise about our future. Is it worth creating a monopoly to have unbelievably fast internet? Would it be ok to put many people out of business so that we can do everything 100 times faster? In another article I read from a San Francisco author, some believe that having this new extremely fast Google internet will help much more than it will hurt. Google hasn’t given out many details yet but one of their visions was: “a doctor discussing and looking at three-dimensional medical images with a patient far away (possibly also in 3D).” This new internet and all it would have to offer could help save lives, and increase the speed at which people can continue to develop new ways to communicate, and new much faster forms of media.
                 The future of media is a vast and exciting subject. The future of computers, though a more narrowed down version of media still has endless possibilities to what the future could bring us. Ideas like a $75 dollar laptop, complex artificial intelligence, a plant that helps to keep a computer “healthy”, and an internet server that is 100 times faster than anything we currently have. These ideas are just a few of the many possibilities we could be experiencing in our near futures. Though computers are new to human history, they will continue to grow and have a large impact on our lives, and all the things we will be able to accomplish with their new technology. Media is an important part of society, and with the help of computers, media will be able to take a whole new and exciting direction.